
Morning pages, a month later

I'm here to report that, one month later, I'm still doing morning pages, although I've allowed myself to stop at two pages (they are, as I mentioned before, 9 x 11, so that counts for something, right?). Something about always being able to start on the fresh side of the page every day as opposed to every other day makes a difference for silly people like me.

I've also concluded that for me, morning pages are simply a discipline that doesn't usually result in anything in and of itself, but allows everything else in the rest of the day to flow much more smoothly.

I kind of see it like turning on a water tap after being away for a while - it sputters and spits out for a bit, but after a little time running, it then flows clean and smoothly.

The exercise is the crappy first scribble before the crappy first draft.

On the days I don't do them (I've skipped a couple weekend mornings), I've found myself stumbling on one thing or another because I haven't gotten "it" out there, whatever "it" is.

Essentially, it's free therapy, so for now I am going to keep plugging along.

1 comment:

  1. What themes/patterns have you noticed in your morning pages? (if you care to share here?)
