
Into our stomachs

We have been extremely busy in the last few weeks, but one thing we pretty much always manage to do is put food on the table. Or at least into our stomachs.

Sometimes - more rarely, nowadays - I have the wherewithal to "think ahea" and make something that needs to be started two hours before dinner, like this braised cabbage.

Adding CSA leeks and potatoes to the braised dish worked well. (I also wrote about this once on the food blog.)
Other times, we whip up something from only the most beautiful cookbook ever.

Congliglie with yogurt, peas, basil, and feta. We made it with whole wheat shells, and pastina for the baby. (Also, whirled peas anyone?) ((That was for you, David!))
But most of the times, it's something really simple - a meal that takes little forethought, little prep, and little clean-up.*

Pasta with hashed brussels sprouts and pine nuts
And when times are desperate, we just run down to Costco to pick up a pizza, which we then proceed to double-bake in our toaster oven for extra crispiness.

Chomples! (Again. Always.)
Obviously, at the heart of our family is a love for food and hospitality. And we hope we never lose that despite any craziness that happens around us.

*That's why I heart Molly Orangette. (If you didn't notice, all the recipe links today are from her.)


  1. Also, thank you for reminding me about the braised cabbage recipe. I'm not quite ready to embrace the fall (bc darkness, the cold, and hello seasonal affective disorder) but in a month or so, YESSSS.

    PPS: 4 posts in one month?! GIRL.

    1. i love how this was a continuation from your email (which is how i received notification of this comment). obviously, your first statement was your inital P.S.

      again, i still did not know that you feel this strongly about cabbage! (continuation from my email back to you...)

    2. also, re: your pps, i'm trying not to be perfect or amazing, just trying to be me. (apparently this is how people act when they are in their 30s. just trying to get a head start.)

  2. PPPS: not that I need to sound the Molly Orangette trumpet to you, but did we ever discuss http://orangette.blogspot.com/2013/12/approximately-soup.html


    Okay, miss you love you xoxo.
