
Mother's Day Brunch

My sister-in-law and I hosted a Mother's Day brunch for a few of our friends this past Saturday and I had such a blast. The initial idea was inspired by Coffee+Crumbs, and while I didn't use any of the materials they provided, I was so grateful for the idea.

From the beginning, I envisioned it being somewhat multi-generational (we have a family friend who is turning 94 this year and has not only great-grandchildren, but great-great-grandchildren!) and full of delicious special food, the kind we make for our girlfriends (never wasted on little people). 

I was really proud of the planning and execution of the party. At this stage in my life with tiny people, it can be a challenge to strike a balance between having all those special touches and also living in the reality that I simply don't have time for every detail. This is where other people pitching in helped make it happen.

First of all, it was a potluck, so I didn't have to do all the food. I did a cheese platter, a caprese salad, my mom's veggie cream cheese and bagels, and a fruit-infused water. I really wanted a carrot cake to happen but it was one of the things that got dropped at the last minute, until David graciously offered to make it. Insert all the heart eyes.

(Others brought: tuna salad, egg salad, deviled eggs, yam and sweet potato galette, fruit salad, quinoa salad, sesame soba salad, shakshuka with sous vide eggs.)

Kathy and I have been playing around with watercolor lately (mostly her, and I've been inspired) so I asked her to help me incorporate some fun touches. Together we made floral patterns on name tags, food tent cards, and some stationery. She even made a bonus piece on a small canvas.

The day was bright and beautiful and the group of ladies who came were spectacular. We had fun conversation (I think everyone felt threatened that Diana would give them our "conversation starters" if they didn't come up with conversation on their own, lol), and did I mention the food was amazing?

To someone (or someones, because I think I can speak for Diana on this, too) whose love languages are food and quality time, this was all the Mother's Day present I needed: the opportunity to host and eat with my friends.


And now for the meta-notes I need for the future. (I actually went back to another post I wrote when I needed help remembering my own party planning tricks. Most helpful for me are: (1) write down everything, in as many different types of lists as possible - don't evaluate yourself as you're planning, just do it the way your brain works; (2) drop the stupid stuff and weight of dumb expectations; (3) plan on some stuff you're really excited about, even if it seems somewhat frivolous. I think now I can add to this list: (4) trust that it will all work out, and maybe even let people help you with some stuff!)

For this party in particular, it was helpful to:
  • have everyone bring a dish (sign-up via Evite; I made generic suggestions in the What To Bring section, which helped make sure there were enough drinks and a balance of sweet and savory dishes)
  • have someone bring and set up a 12-cup coffee maker half an hour before the party. (Plus, amazing Vanilla Bean syrup...)
  • use our 6' table to set-up food so the kitchen counters are free for prep, which - in an ideal world, not mine obviously - can then be wiped down to look beautiful during the party. One day I'll get there. (Christine, this was something I noticed at your events in February which makes such a big difference!)
  • have tent cards available for guests to label the food they brought and any relevant allergy notations
When Diana and I talked about what we would change if we did it again, I couldn't think of anything (other than maybe invite more people next time). All she had to say was, "More meat." ;p


  1. Those beautiful placards and signage! And did you mention there was like 4 kinds of dip?!

    Lol, Diana, more meat. I could've gone for some ribeye too.

    Yay! You did it, love! Happy (now belated) Mothers Day!

    1. Thanks, lovesa! Couldn't have done this (or motherhood, lol) without you! <3

  2. (I tried to comment earlier but the site/my phone was being weird, so trying again...) I love that you celebrated Mother's Day in this way!! So very Lisa of you. I am so on board with the dropping dumb expectations and making loveliness with what you have. (And on board with, I mean in theory and always trying to put it into practice...) xxoo

  3. Beautiful! The spread looks DELICIOUS and I absolutely love the watercolor cards. I also like how you specifically list things that were helpful....I need to implement the one where we have someone bring their 12-cup coffee maker half an hour early - that's crucial !
