
A few randoms, III

Yes, those are reading glasses. WHAT IS HAPPENING.
1. This past weekend, I found a moment to get away to Panera with my journal*, brush pens, and washi tape. In newborn-land it is so hard to get out of tunnel vision, so I'm thankful I was able to shift my perspective and make some time. (#adulting?) I felt 110% like myself when I stepped out of the car with my backpack on, ready to have a coffee date with myself. (FYI, feeling like myself means I am 21 and in Berkeley)

*Molly, I'm still somewhat keeping up on GTD. You?

2. I've been on and off with using natural deodorant. I love the basic homemade coconut oil, corn starch, baking soda, and essential oils mixture. (My favorite combination is tea tree, lavender, and bergamot.) Recently I also checked out Schmidt's Lavender and Sage, which smells amazing. I think I'm having a few issues every once in a while with the baking soda and the stick is pretty hard in this weather but it helps to let it soften against my armpit for a few moments before applying. So I suppose it's a great alternative to homemade during the summer if/when we travel to warmer climates.

3. Podcasts that make me happy: The Lazy Genius, The Mom Hour, The Next Right Thing, Coffee+Crumbs. Please comment with your recent faves!

4. (Why is so hard to find good blogs these days? The good bloggers don't list their blog roll of who else they are reading so it's hard to find more. Please send me your faves! Also, once again: RIP Google Reader.)

5. I owe Christine an entire post on our chickens (who/what/where/when/why/how), but until then, here is a picture of their beautiful eggs. We have been enjoying these since mid-August (and we got them as chicks at the end of March, on Good Friday). Thanks to David for doing all the hard work! <3

6. I've been loving a homemade countertop spray: a few squirts of unscented Dr. Bronner's soap, a few drops of rosemary essential oil (sometimes also with a few drops of lemon), and the rest of the spray bottle filled up with water. It's been working well for me for months now, and I absolutely love how it smells.

7. On a positive note, check out my grandma glasses on these cuties.

(Ignore the super grown-out hair and/or mullets. Remember, newborn fog.)


  1. love the snippets into your life, sis. keep it up! I still need to check out those podcasts- adroid problems. yes, and I love your homemade cleaning spray and those scrumptious cuties at the end!

    1. thank you for the encouragement! haha, yes, android problems, lol. we love you too!

  2. Lisa!! I love anything you post. You encourage me to be real. I really like Heavyweight the podcast - Steven hates the host's sense of humor but I love it.

  3. Huzzah for glimpses of feeling like yourself! I'm going to try that soap... and Yes! still waiting on that chicken post.
