
How to swim and float

[Alternatively titled, A Few Ways To Reduce White Knuckling. (See also: “Instead”)]

* Put on a sweater and slippers AND turn on the heat

* Get my meal plan for the week organized AND plan to order take-out

* Schedule therapy AND increase my meds

* Get fresh air despite the cold and/or rain AND book flights to California for more sun

* Do my work AND light a candle and play my favorite music

* Fix that fancy autumnal salad that looks good but seems like it involves way too much chopping (or… not) AND enjoy a delightful non-water beverage if it sounds good to me

* Follow my routine AND recite the mantra, “I am allowing this moment to be easy.”


  1. It's a'coming....these have been mine:

    *Take b complex, magnesium, D, and C vitamins every night
    *Always carry around lotion and chapstick: stock them at work, at bedside, in bathroom, etc.
    *Take a mile long walk during lunch break as often as possible
    *Get into bed by 9PM to read for half an hour, and wake up by 5:15 AM to read for half an hour.
    *Get sweaty as often as possible: cardio, weights, raking leaves.
    *Declutter, and then declutter again.
    *Always wear slippers around the house, and gloves outside

    1. YES! Thank you for sharing! And so good to hear from you :)
