
In a pickle

Help! I'm in a writing rut and a cooking rut.

Please let me know what you're cooking and eating these days or if you have any tips on menu planning. I've talked about this before (twice!), but nothing seems to be sticking. Like I said before, I like routine, until I get bored.

I do think we are going to get on a little pickle train though. We'd been getting lots of peppers from the CSA and when I know I can't use them fast enough I just slice them and throw them in a jar and pour cold vinegar over them. Done and done. Here are some watermelon radish, ready for a sandwich (e.g., banh mi) or right out of the jar.

Next up, picked red onions.

Other randoms:

  • The Liturgists podcast. "We create art and experiences for the spiritually homeless and frustrated." Yes, please! (HT: Marla)
    • Today I was listening to Ep 3 on The Bible and the guest speaker was talking about how Jews look at the Bible as a mystery or problem to be solved whereas Christians see it as a message to proclaim, hence the intolerance for theological ambiguity or tension. THIS EXPLAINED MY LIFE. (Another connection to Heisenberg, if you try to get too precise you lose the accuracy.)
  • Trying to get back into routines, ala FlyLady. I'm trying out the shoes thing even though it goes against everything in me as an Asian American.
  • Really enjoyed another book about the process of writing, Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg. "The life of an artist isn't easy. You're never free unless you're doing art."
  • The idea of being "all kite and no string." I think all my life I have been "all string and no kite."
  • I found this assertion interesting: that it's easier to be demanding/critical than to be satisfied, and thus that enthusiasm is a form of social courage.
  • Been loving the awkwardness that is Doc Martin.
  • I keep hearing about how This is Us is filling the Parenthood-shaped hole in people's hearts. Any tips on the best way to watch it? (HT: Eunice, who told me about this way before now.)
  • Made my first batch of harissa this week. It needed to be more garlicky but other than that I loved it!


  1. That Gretchen Rubin article was interesting indeed...I will be chewing on that. As for menu planning, I am stuck too. I have done a very poor job of feeding myself lately, which has resulted in hangry episodes of Annie's mac and cheese at 10pm.

  2. Those watermelon radishes are so beautiful! I too have been interested to try This Is Us somehow, but I may end up waiting until an entire season comes out before getting to it

    1. Also! About meal prep..I'm currently putting up some links to helpful meal prep things on my blog
