
How I trick myself into "cleaning"

I am not very good about chores and cleaning. I think I heard Kendra Adachi once mention that what Martha Stewart says to do once a week, she does once a month, and what MS says to do once a month, she does once a year, and what MS says to do once a year, she never does. I think I'm like that, but probably one notch even worse.

So I'm writing this because I desperately need more tips. I'll share a couple tricks I use to get myself to clean, and if you have anything to add, please let me know in the comments!

1. Set a timer.

This is usually a good stand-by. If I don't feel like cleaning, I set a timer for 5 or 10 minutes and just see how much I can get done. Usually I end up either finishing what I need to get done, or getting really into it, and working past the timer until everything is done.

2. Tell myself to pick up five things.

I don't tell myself what exactly I need to do (no one likes to be bossed around). I just pick a number (usually five) and then I do one thing, a second thing, a third thing, and so on until I reach the number. And if I've gotten momentum from doing the first five, and I start over again with five more.

3. The Dave Ramsey snowball method.

Lol, The Lazy Genius wrote about using the snowball method to pay off your TV debt (i.e., Netflix queue), and I have used the same method to clean my house. I start with the smallest mess: the dining table, and sometimes just move everything to the counter, then clean the counters, and then finish off with the sink.

Perhaps this is more a method of geography than size, but sometimes just getting something accomplished gives me that emotional boost to keep moving.

4. Address the thing that will give me the most bang for my buck.

I've recently realized that if I clear off the living room rug of toys (we don't have a coffee table because more horizontal surfaces = more clutter) I immediately feel better about the living room.

5. Have a specific order in which I do things, every single time.

I think this is one I could improve on. I find that my morning routine (i.e., the order in which I open the curtains, make the bed, change and put away my clothes, and start my coffee) really helps me be mindless about things (especially at a time of the day that I am pre-coffee). So I think I could benefit also with some other set routines for other house chores.

6. A home for everything.

This is one that I am really stuck on. It takes the most work, but I do also see that there is a ton of payoff in doing it. Any ideas on how to work on this one?


After I wrote this I saw this funny article entitled A Real Mom's Guide to a Clean House and it's the perfect conclusion for this.

Also, we are three week's strong on menu planning so I'm going to keep sharing it here.

m: pad thai / t: bbq chicken / w: spaghetti / th: sirloin tip roast / f: pumpkin chili / s: lentil falafel / su: lazy genius ribs


  1. I have yet to find a pad thai recipe that I really like, but that one up there looks promising..

    The rule of "a home for everything" I've been going with is, if it doesn't have a place to go, it gets thrown (or given) away.

    I am a fan of mari andrews and demetri martin! and I am also a fan of your ability to channel them!

  2. thanks! yes, i totally get you on the pad thai thing. i've tried many recipes and it's hard. i don't love everything about restaurant pad thai, either, mostly that it's too sweet. so i am also always on this journey to find the perfect one in the kitchen.

    we did the one posted above tonight and it was decent. a little sweet, so i added tamarind (also because i thought it was very strange to be missing that in the first place), but good. this mark bittman one is a pretty good standby that i have tweaked but gives me good results: http://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2012/01/mark-bittmans-pad-thai-recipe.html

    thanks for your comment! i had waaaay too much fun with that drawing today.

  3. I just cleaned my whole entire house last week because I was having a couple friend over who I actually didn't know THAT well and they just ended up staying in the living room (even though I even swept my bedroom JUST IN CASE they wanted a tour of the whole place haha)

    Also I've been way more excited about doing dishes ever since I got a Scrub Daddy and good smelling soap. Not sure if dishes are a problem for you (they're the bane of my existence! When Steven's not around to do them for me :))

  4. Loved this. I've been trying to declutter (no small task with small kids around) this year, and it's been so freeing. Slowly but surely, all things are getting their place, and if they don't have one, they go. Cleaning on the other hand, I could use some organization there, too. Ha. I need to download one of those pinterest calendars that gives you one thing to clean a day or a week so that your whole house gets cleaned on rotation.... Also, I loved this post just for the sake of recipes. :)

    1. :) thanks Alli. your comment made me smile. hope you're having a great week!

  5. If you find any good tips on finding homes for stuff let me know. I find that it takes most of my time/energy just to stay on top of the everyday things (someone above mentioned dishes - oh the dishes! I hate dishes!) when am I supposed to find time to do the extra stuff. I've had "wash the floors" on my list for at least a month, but by the time I pick up the stuff on the floors and sweep the floors I just don't have it in me to wash them too. Sigh. Also, do you remember your pad thai recipe from your Chicago days? It's still my stand by and seeing your menu is making me crave it!
