
01. That notebook

Yesterday, our guest preacher Therin Fenner's opening metaphor was The Notebook of Middle School Girls circa 1997. You know, the spiral Mead notebook decoupaged with magazine cut-outs and the days' musings, which you would deposit in your friends' lockers? At one point I'm sure I had at least five of them going, each with a different friend. It didn't matter what I said, or how I said it; the point was just to write, and wait for her to write back.

That is the perfect metaphor for what I need right now.

I'm not ready for something like #The100DaysProject at the moment but I will attempt my own modification: writing and posting something here every day, for one month, weekends excluded. Without too much thinking or planning I'm going to dive in from today, August 8, 2016, to September 8, 2016. 

If you're lurking out there (I often see at least 15 page views on my posts), would you please drop a comment to let me know you're here? I hope you'll pass back the metaphorical notebook and let me know what you think today and in the next 30ish days. And if you want to jump in on your own creative venture, let me know about it as well!


Random (because random is the essence of The Notebook) thoughts on the picture above:
  • Pictures at nighttime are considerably horrible. Other than obviously taking pictures in daylight, does anyone have simple/easy tips for pictures and/or even filters? I've been so low-tech in the last eight years that I feel slightly embarrassed to not know any of this. 
  • "Just Start" is from Get To Work Book. It's the tear-out from January but I decided to use that with the August calendar taped onto it because it's just what I need. (I'm being creative!) Kathy was surprised to read that Enneagram 6's procrastinate. Oh boy, do we procrastinate. 
  • I think all of my posts from the next month are going to mention something about me being the dreaded, horrible, tragic 6. You're probably going to want to vomit and/or stop reading my blog. So sorry. If you want to see into my soul, read this
  • Yes, that is Eunice's beautiful calligraphy on my bulletin board.


  1. Yay, you!! I am excited for your forays into creativity. ps: my life right now is one big maelstrom of 2 challenge. Saying no! Setting boundaries! Acting in ways in which people may not automatically love me! It's the worst/best.

    1. Worst slash best. Yes. I mean no. (Your purse!!)

  2. I'm glad you are writing more often and I enjoy even the random musings. :)

    1. Thanks, Molly. You've always been a faithful reader and commenter (sp?) and I totally appreciate it! (And I practically gasp every time I see in my email that "Molly" commented because for a moment I think it's Molly Orangette, like I've really made it. But you're a pretty big deal, and you make me feel like one, too.)

  3. Great idea.... and should I get into Enneagrams??

    1. Yes if you want to be tortured and angry and depressed. Yes. And then tell me what you find out.

  4. finally starting at the beginning after bouncing through my own adventure. I subscribed (finally!) and am looking forward to reading through your project well beyond September 8 :) Also what is Enneagrams? It sounds like something I would enjoy.
